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project name: Apartment OB
city: Porto Sant'Elpidio
province: FM
year: 2013
This project was realized starting from an unrefined apartment space. The main structure and the inside walls were already exstintent. The focus was placed on the distribution of the living spaces and on the quality of the thermal insulation. The flat is located inside a building that was built in the nineties. In order to improve acoustic insulation and control over energy usage, a new layer of insulation was applied along the perimeter walls. All technological systems were designed and put into place, a system of radiating panels was installed and the old windows replaced, in an effort to improve thermal efficiency and to make the flat more comfortable. Io order to maximise flexibility and optimise space functionality requirements, there was a continuos dialogue with the client. Sliding dividing walls were installed to respect the charm and beauty of the living room’s original ample spaces and to provide the opportunity to separate this space from the kitchen area at any given time.

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